Small Town Livin’ 

Why, What Did You Hear?

A Inspired Parenting Workshop by Kevin Gallagher, LCMHC
October 23, 2013 ~ 6 PM to 7:30 PM, Warren Elementary School

Watch it on You Tube!

“The best speaker I’ve listened to in a long tiime.”

All parents struggle with some aspects of family life, not necessarily in the same arenas, but enough that it makes us all quite ordinary. A small town community can sometimes intensify the challenges that a family goes through. Unfortunately, many families decide that it’s best to keep things to themselves and “struggle in silence” while wearing a happy face in town, at school, or at events. The strength of a community is that it is a community, a collective group of people who have similar dreams…and challenges. Therefore, learning how to talk about yourself and learning how to be a good listener in a small town is the path to a community with healthy members.

